Wednesday, January 21, 2009

32.IS code 2131 method for standard penetration test for soils

hello friends,
here is the link of the IS code 2131.
method for standard penetration test for soils.
right click on the link and then click save target as to save it to a desired location.

31.IS code 4434 of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils

hello friends,
here is the link of the IS code 4434.
code of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils
right click on the link and then click save target as to save it to a desired location.

30.IS code 4968 method for subsurfacing sounding for soils

hello friends,
here is the link of the is code 4968
it has three parts.
mthod for subsurfacing sounding for soils
right click on the link and then click save target as to save it to a desired location.
part 1(dynamic method using 50 cone wihout bentonite slurry)
part 2(dynamic method using cone and bentonite slurry)
part 3(static cone penetration test)

29.IS codes 1904 of practice for design and construction of foundations in solids:general requirement

hello friends,
here is the link of the IS code 1904
for subsurface investigation for foundation
right click on the link and then click save target as to save it to a desired location